Vancouver International Airport

Vancouver International Airport is Certified as a 4-Star Airport for facilities, terminal comfort and cleanliness, shopping, food & beverages, staff service, and security / immigration.

“Vancouver Airport provides an aesthetically appealing and excellent airport for passengers, and there is a strong theme of identity running through the interiors here. In addition, staff are warm and engaging with customers at all touch-points. Key concerns relate to long wait times for security screening and poor Business Class lounge provision.”

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» A-Z of Airport Ratings

Vancouver International Airport
skytrax 4 star airport logo

Vancouver Airport Rating Summary

Vancouver International Airport

Vancouver Airport Rating Analysis

Vancouver International Airport


The Airport Ratings shown on this website show headline extracts of the key areas used in final assessment and grading. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in our web pages, the content is naturally subject to change and Skytrax cannot guarantee its accuracy or currency. We reserve the right to make changes to the information on the site without notice.

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