Frequently-asked Questions
How are airline and airport ratings applied?
Ratings are applied following detailed analysis of the airline or airport quality standards by Skytrax audit office. The ratings use a quality scale from 1-Star through to the exclusive 5-Star Airline and 5-Star Airport ranking. The ratings are based on appraisal of airline and airport front-line product and service standards, using a unified and consistent rating system. The ratings focus on the quality of customer experience for relevant product and service factors.
Are ratings based on customer reviews?
No. The ratings awarded by Skytrax involve a complex sequence of inspection, evaluation and appraisal of standards, by our expert audit teams. This means a unified global standard can be applied in every region concerned.
Do airlines or airports pay for a rating?
No, ratings are applied with no payment. Airports and airlines can pay to receive a detailed breakdown and reporting of all rating appraisals. This is optional and not a requirement.
Can I see the full airline and airport rating agenda?
The full rating agenda is available to registered airline, airport and lounge management. For commercial reasons we do not provide this to those outside these industries.
Do airlines or airports pay to use ratings?
No, ratings are applied with no payment. Airports and airlines can pay to receive a detailed breakdown and reporting of all rating appraisals. This is optional and not a requirement.
How frequently do you add ratings?
We add new airline and airport ratings on a fairly regular basis. Once we have gained full quality analysis data from our Audit department, a rating will be added.
Do Skytrax make airline rating presentations?
Yes. Airline star rating awards are either presented at our annual World Airline Awards event or individual presentations to the airline can be arranged.
Do Skytrax make airport rating presentations?
Yes. The Airport star rating awards are either presented at our annual World Airport Awards event or individual presentations to an airport can be arranged.