Paris CDG Airport
Paris CDG Airport is Certified as a 4-Star Airport for facilities, comfort and cleanliness, shopping, food & beverages, staff service, and transfer, security and immigration processes.
“Paris CDG has made many improvements in the last 2 years, and is moving closer to meeting the overall 5-Star Airport rating levels, with many parts of CDG now meeting this highest quality requirement. The new standards being introduced at T2B & T2D meet 5-Star rating standards, and T2F improvements have brought this terminal closer to 5-Star. With the expanded T1 to re-open, and the low-cost airline T3 at 5-Star rating, Paris CDG Airport has the clear potential for the 5-Star Airport rating.”

Paris CDG Airport Rating
Related to Paris CDG Airport Ranking
Paris CDG Airport Rating Analysis
Ground Transportation
Security Screening
Immigration Service
Wayfinding & Signage
Terminal Comfort
Terminal Facilities
Shopping Facilities
Food & Beverage
Ground Transportation
Security Screening
Immigration Service
Wayfinding & Signage
Terminal Comfort
Terminal Facilities
Shopping Facilities
Food & Beverage
Ground Transportation
Security Screening
Immigration Service
Wayfinding & Signage
Terminal Comfort
Terminal Facilities
Shopping Facilities
Food & Beverage
The Airport Ratings shown on this website show headline extracts of the key areas used in final assessment and grading. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in our web pages, the content is naturally subject to change and Skytrax cannot guarantee its accuracy or currency. We reserve the right to make changes to the information on the site without notice.